DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.8
How to Cite
López Martín, E., & Morgado Aguirre, B. (2020). Virtual artist residencies on twitter : challenges, motivations and experiences. Kepes, 17(21), 195–223.


Elena López Martín

Magíster en Gestión y Producción Artística. Doctora en Artes y Humanidades en la especialidad de Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Murcia, España. Investigadora independiente.

Universidad de Murcia
Borja Morgado Aguirre

Doctor en Bellas Artes Profesor titular del Departamento de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España.

Universidad de Murcia


Despite the fact that art produced on the Internet and for Internet users does not always enjoy deserved publicity and publicity by hegemonic communication channels and artistic institutions, the production of art in cyberspace is encouraged thanks to the creation and development of virtual artist residencies. Just as there are physical residencies disseminated around the planet, there are virtual residencies in a wide variety of corners of cyberspace. The social network Twitter has hosted three residency programs with a high degree of innovation and experimentation of which there is hardly any dissemination. This research intends to deepen into this unexplored territory offering a ground-breaking critical analysis of these initiatives through their presentation, the study of the conditions and implications of the Twitter space in the development of such practices, and the study of the experiences of the agents involved (participating organizers and artists) with whom an open-ended questionnaire has been contacted and sent. The set of conclusions obtained seeks, rather than confirming a hypothesis, to discover new relationships between the appproaches, objectives, stimuli, possibilities and developments of these residencies that should be taken into consideration both for the study of new artistic practices on the web as well as to face the approaches and development of future and similar initiatives.

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