DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.26
How to Cite
Castiblanco Suarez, C. S. (2019). Territorial synchrony theory and method for the study of the territory produced in the significance of the cultural event Ibagué ciudad musical. Kepes, 16(20), 743–774.


Cristian Santiago Castiblanco Suarez

Doctorado en Estudios Territoriales ; Docente Universidad del Tolima.

Universidad del Tolima


The notion of territorial synchrony is shown as a spaceconceptual tool for the study and recognition of cultural events and practices as structures that configure and produce territories, with a methodological value that highlights the immaterial component of the musical issue, without forgetting the physical units and their relationship as generators of images, representations that leave a mark, weave the city and build identity. Matching the metaphor of music, the article is composed of two tunes that propose understanding how events, framed in a socio-space-time relationship, have synchronous places from the musical issue as a territorial configurator. The first tune is structured in the postulates that open the way for the methodology that highlights territorial musicality from a complex and complementary dimension to the expressively sounding one; the second addresses the conceptual bet of territorial synchrony, its definition and implementation for the socio-spatial study of places, methodological challenges of analysis and recognition that comes from studying a territory from music, and the importance of the identification and linking of imaginaries in the socio-spatial construction of the territory as a waiving of emerging places in the occurrencegeography-memory relationship.

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