A reflection about the process and participatory formulation of the "new" model for the evaluation of the production and impact of research-creation of the arts, architecture and design is presented. This proposal, developed by the authors of this paper, extends the official measurement model of scientific production in Colombia, used to classify researchers and research groups. For its development, the associations of the faculties and programs of art, architecture and design of the country worked jointly with governmental entities in charge of promoting the national scientific, technological, creative and cultural production. Through this innovative participatory process, as a negotiation process between the associations and the state, the type of knowledge resulting from researchcreation was based epistemologically, and the requirements for assessing the quality of these products were established in an articulated manner to the instances of valuation of creativecultural production, such as curated selections or contests. The new model, resulting from a negotiation process in the workgroups, was officially assumed by the state, and launched in 2015 as a pilot model without measurement and then as a measuring instrument in 2017, giving relevance to other nonscientific systems of generation of knowledge, and assessing their impact on the promotion of creative and cultural industries, as well as on strengthening the National Science, Technology and Inovation System (NSTIS).
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