How to Cite
Chaves Castaño, J. . (2010). Body, power and territory in funerary rituals and practices on the colombian armed conflict: an anthropological analysis in some towns in Caldas y Risaralda. Eleuthera, 4, 230–249. Retrieved from


Juana Chaves Castaño


Abstract:This article presents an anthropological analysis and discussion about how some locations, the cementery, rivers and other geographical accidents acquire a new territorial configuration because of the funeral practices taking place there either as a ritual or situational derived from the armed conflict. It is supposed that although the conflict and the war have deeply shaped the parental composition of the families, the landowning and use of the land and the political movements, it is not less transcendental the influence of the conflict and the war in the restructuration of practices directly assembled with the cultural structures such as rituals and myths. In our case, we will focus on funeral rituals and acts –practices- that take place in the Andean municipalities of Marsella and Circasia, in the Departments of Risaralda and Quindio where, the temporality of the phenomenon is determined more by the facts than by chronology. The approach to the text is transversalized by the concepts of body, power, death and territory. Methodologically we proceed in accordance with the parameters of ethnography with workshops, active and passive type direct observations, and semi-structured and in depth interviews with inhabitants from the areas in which the investigation took place as well as with some authorities from the mentioned municipalities. Similarly, we used primary and secondary sources. The results and conclusions obtained during the process are given in the order of the preliminary elaboration of a comprehensive model where it is evident the relationship between body and power with death in the territory.

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