How to Cite
Nates Cruz, B. . (2011). Contexts and fields for a “degeneralization” of the world. Readings from the anthropology territory. Eleuthera, 5(-), 175–191. Retrieved from


Béatriz Nates Cruz


Abstract:This article is the result of a theoretical reflection process from data collected in different investigations carried out in the central and southern Colombian Andes between 1998 and 2004. Starting from the premise that the more global the world declares itself, more recognition will be demenaded by localities in their existence as citizens and as individual and collective social actors.This is the process I call the “desgeneralization of the world”, which means taking the world apart from such generality, and placing attention on special features. This process is shown from political, cultural and economic strategies between peasants and indigenous people from the studied areas. Multi-located ethnography is weighed as methodology and the theoretical type comprehensive model is used for the analysis. , In the conclusion, the emphasis is placed on how the vindication of the right to show the differences and local special features at a sameness level, and how this has contributed to local society for them to see each other again, to confront themselves and to and to find themselves in a globalized world with the new contemporary dynamics this implies.

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