How to Cite
Marín Agudelo, N. F. . (2012). Kinestesia propedeutics strategy effectiveness; activation of ecological emergency coping in social work students in transition to the university cycle. Eleuthera, 6(-), 165–186. Retrieved from


Néstor Fabio Marín Agudelo


Abstract:This article is the result of a research project carried out by the research sub-line: “Regenerative methodologies,” under the applied research modality with an educational design and approach which are associated with the extension project: “Transition to the university cycle,” as a tutorial system support to the Social Work Program, providing significant contributions to the research of autopoiesis from the participation in the research hotbed with the same name. Within the framework of what I call complementary thought or look from different angles, which allows theoretical commensurability, this research produces knowledge about: l)
proactive and critical analysis of the subject matter of knowledge from its theoretical support as “ecological emergency”,concept that was coined and supported from the eco-system paradigm , ll) a proposed educational method for social work intervention as technological innovation or “Narrative-recreational-emotional Didactics” which contributes to contemporary discussions of the profession, which very trendy, search for new active methodologies, lll) redefine the participant population coping system as an educational action process proposed as brief intervention thus measuring its impact. 

It is important to notice that this work contributes, as a reference framework, to fuel contemporary discussions of the profession in the search for comprehensive and re-generative methodologies as a widespread matter in their intention but not as a very spread one from the research viewpoint. In general, the innovative design used is highlighted and the strategy as a proposal to solve the needs of applied social research from the non-clinical Social Work in a not very deeply worked area: ecologic emergency. It also contributes to the extension project “Transition to the university cycle “within the Social Work program Tutorial System at Universidad de Caldas, and the the social impact as a source for human development for the social and local development and its possible national and international replication for this profession. 

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