How to Cite
Saavedra Guajardo, E. ., Arévalo Reyes, F. ., Gajardo Tello, L. ., Riveros Reveco, L., & Toledo Salas, C. . (2012). Resilience self-perception in families affected by the earthquake in the region of Maule, Chile. Eleuthera, 6(-), 82–100. Retrieved from


Eugenio Saavedra Guajardo
Universidad Católica del Maule
Félix Arévalo Reyes
Universidad Católica del Maule
Leonardo Gajardo Tello
Universidad Católica del Maule
Lisette Riveros Reveco
Universidad Católica del Maule
Cyndy Toledo Salas
Universidad Católica del Maule


Abstract: The main objective of this research was to describe and compare the overall scores of resilience self-perception in 20 families in the urban sector of the Sagrada Familia community, Seventh Region of Maule, Chile.

From the aforementioned families, 10 were subject to social intervention plan and the other 10 were not submitted to this process.

The resilience scale (ERE) for children between 9 and 14 and the scale (SV-RES) for youth and adults 15 and older were used for this description. The study was carried out during the first and second semesters of 2010.

The hypothesis raised by the researchers stated that there should be a difference in the level of resilience self-perception in families subject to intervention plan compared with those not subject to a plan of action.

Resilience levels vary significantly at the end of the intervention process between the intervention group and the group without intervention, where the families subject to
intervention plan had higher levels of resilience self-perception than those families without the intervention plan.

Besides the presence of gender differences is identified; this is to say the resilience selfperception levels between men and women vary. In the case of women they present a better location in the average distribution compared with men, who are exceeded in both the first and the second measurement.

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