How to Cite
Cruz Castillo, A. L. . (2012). The reason of emotions Social, political and cultural education of emotions. Eleuthera, 6(-), 64–81. Retrieved from


Alba Lucía Cruz Castillo


Abstract:This paper presents some arguments about the reasons why it is possible to assume that emotions are not separated from the interpretative framework of social movements and, in the same way, of collective actions, which, could not be understood in another way without considering the underlying excess of emotion. Emotions come into the spiral of reason, and contribute to the process of reasoning rather than disrupting them. Emotions have a direction towards an object; this object  has in itself an intentional description. These two characteristics make emotions become not only corporal impulses, but also have them linked to cultural and social frameworks that directly contribute to decision making and influence the argumentative and deliberative processes of human beings’ social and political actions.

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