How to Cite
Manes, R. . (2012). Citizenship and decent living. Eleuthera, 7, 221–229. Retrieved from


Roxana Manes


Abstract:This work is about the tense situation between the legal citizens‘ equality and the `problem of material inequality among the citizens, in relation to the right to the access to decent living in Argentina, specially in the province of Buenos Aires, where the State interferes to compensate such inequalities through the Housing Policy, which cannot revert the situation completely because it does not have a universal character, and sometimes it replicates some of the inequalities it tries to eliminate.

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Leyes y tratados

Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Art. 25.

Constitución de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Art. 36 inc. 7.

Constitución Nacional de la República Argentina. Art. 14 bis y Art. 75 inc. 22.

Observación General N° 4 del Comité de Derechos Sociales, Económicos y Culturales.

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Sociales, Económicos y Culturales. Art. 11.
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