How to Cite
Yáñez Pereira, V. R. . (2013). Epistemic revisit to the social work statutes constitution: sense mediation between reflexive thought and creative action. Eleuthera, 8, 232–252. Retrieved from


Víctor R. Yáñez Pereira


Abstract: The article approaches, epistemologically, the complexity of the curriculum in Social Work, which constitutes the core synthesis that mediates between vita contemplativa and vita activa (Arendt H., 1993). It is an invitation to come closer to the disciplinary spirit that, according to Hegel, germinates in the conscience of an idea before a world in which, from the most basic thing to the most absolute thing, Social Workers have commited historically. It demands from us to assume the disposition to conceive our symbolic and material cosmology in the contemporary social scenarios, as well as in the dense space of the social sciences, bifurcating a common crossing place between them. In the above mentioned collision we have to articulate those substantive and factual elements of our investigations/interventions, which are the ones that, ultimately, account for our existence as being-in-itself and being-for-theworld, that is to say, as a historical-procedural, theoretical-methodological, ethical-political and Critical-ideological project. For the same reason, we reinforce the premise that disciplinary matters must be observed from a second generation, in the depth of a game of images keen of voices, whose dialectical and dialogical configurations penetrate the eidetic representations, granting them a tangible eloquence, demonstrated through those debates in which we are capable of making circulate words that name our reality in the social reality, revealing grammar and semantics traits that, every moment, claim to elucidate the disciplinar statute of Social Work.

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