How to Cite
Valencia Rodríguez, L., & Velandia Morales, A. . (2013). Perception and motivation about voluntary work. Eleuthera, 9, 116–131. Retrieved from


Liliana Valencia Rodríguez
Universidad Javeriana
Andrea Velandia Morales
Universidad Católica de Colombia


Research on voluntary work has been approached from social psychology, but not from consumer psychology. Using a mixed methodology combining multidimensional, with textual quantitative analysis through the SPAD program and qualitative analysis via Atlas.ti, the study tries to identify the achievement, power and affiliation needs for motivation towards voluntary work of 21 volunteers and 20 non-volunteers in Bogotá. For volunteers, time, money and effort investment was rewarded by the satisfaction of achieving their goals. For non-volunteers, lack of time takes them to avoid commitment for voluntary work. Both groups understand the importance of volunteer work for the country: non-volunteers, in a handout mentality side, and volunteers as an opportunity for development. The term altruistic consumption is proposed to refer to a consumption centered in satisfaction of the need to devote oneself to a noble cause.

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