DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2017.17.5
How to Cite
Correa Vanegas, J. D. (2017). “With words, not with weapons”: a look at the post-conflict from the helenist philosophy. Eleuthera, 17, 73–89.


José Domingo Correa Vanegas
Universidad Santo Tomás


Objective: An interpretation of the philosophical reflection offered by the writer Martha Nussbaum in her work entitled “Therapy of Desire”, where she gathers the main ethical practices of the Hellenistic Schools, is carried out. Methodology: The methodology used for this reflection article is the interpretative analysis of texts and participant observation in the emergence and development of re-socialization projects of ex-combatants of the armed conflict. Results: The result is the philosophical analysis of emotions as aggression in the light of the philosophical Hellenistic thought that helps to improve the life and thought of those who exercised violence within the armed conflict and the development of an educational proposal in the light of such philosophical theories with those who have initiated a training process that will lead them to real reintegration. Conclusions: The findings allow the understanding that violence is a phenomenon that is always linked to culturally learned beliefs that not always are easy to recognize.

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