DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2024.26.2.4
How to Cite
Mäkimartti, M., & Makaran, G. (2024). Space-time, identity and insurrection. Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui´s ch’ixi method: bridges between anarchism and aymara worldview. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 26(2), 64–95.


Mikko Mäkimartti
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Perfil Google Scholar
Gaya Makaran
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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This article proposes a systematization, a dialogue and the explication of the correspondences between the anarchist theory and the Aymara philosophy of the ch’ixi method of the Bolivian sociologist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. Firstly, we outline the sociohistorical and intellectual context in which the life and thought of our author develops, Bolivia, with its Zavaletian variegation and its long tradition of anticolonial praxis, where indianism, anarchism and the commitment to effective decolonization play a crucial role. After this, we will show that the ch’ixi method, negatively dialectical, anti-essentialist and anti-colonial, has both anarchist and aymara metaphysical and theoretical roots in terms of dialectics without synthesis, complementarity and the rule of the included third. We suggest a dialogue with the same author who, although she openly declares her anarchism: “anarcha-ch’ixi”, does not necessarily make explicit all the possible references and dialogues with this tradition, as well as the bridges with the aymara worldview. Hence, we organize our reflection according to three axes that, according to us, run through her thinking and at the same time are crossed by her method: time-space (pacha), identity and insurrection as anticolonial praxis. We will close with some open reflections that show the importance of the ch’ixi method for the analysis of Latin American —if not global realities— and the challenges it entails and that still await future research.

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