How to Cite
Sandoval Robayo, M. L. (2015). The argentinian justicialist party: from protectionism to neoliberalism. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 17(2), 331–353. Retrieved from


Mary Luz Sandoval Robayo
Universidad de Caldas


Objective. To establish important factors having an impact on transformation of the Argentinian Justicialist Party position in the transition process from Peronism to Menemism corresponding to the two different historical contexts and to two opposing policies. Methodology. The aim is to show the transformation of Argentina’s economy and its relationship to the successful adaptation of the Justicialist Party to this transformation through a comparative analysis of political history, analysis of sociological variables and analysis from the political science view point of the parties. Results. some hypotheses about the conditions that allowed the Argentinian Justicialist party to have electoral success in both electoral periods (neoliberal and post-neoliberal), despite a radical transformation of their ideological bases are approached.

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