DOI: 10.17151/rasv.2020.22.2.6
How to Cite
Díaz Córdova, D. (2020). Biological and cultural life cycles, an integrating proposal. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 22(2), 132–160.


Diego Díaz Córdova

Doctor en Ciencias Antropológicas. Profesor de Antropología, Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Departamento de Salud Comunitaria, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Grupo Antropocaos, Argentina.

Universidad de Buenos Aires
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An attempt of a theoretical synthesis of the dynamic relationships between biological lifecycles and cultural lifecycles is presented in this text. For this purpose, we ground our research in the works of professor Juan Samaja and his outline on the study of the health-disease-care process. Basically, the approach originates in Bateson’s work and complex thinking about logical types and from the dialectical concepts of suppression-conservation-overcoming. These concepts are applied in this text to both biological and cultural cycles from an anthropological perspective. In short, the idea is to build a framework of understanding for the analysis of the link between nature and culture. This work is a first exploration in that sense. The objective is to find some rules that help understanding the relationships established between both areas.

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