How to Cite
Lizarralde Gómez, C. F. (2009). Underlying digital aesthetics conception in pedagogical practices of the professors in charge of digital mediums courses in the plastic and arts programs of the coffee-growing region. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 5(2), 45–75. Retrieved from


Christian Felipe Lizarralde Gómez
Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda


The following article, part of the first research results on the teaching of digital aesthetics presented as a thesis in the Master of Education with Emphasis in Multimedia at the Universidad de Caldas. This research journeys through the history and the central categories in the context of contemporary representation forms. In this sense, the article seeks to relate these theoretical positions with the experiences and conceptions of the professors in charge of digital media courses in Visual Arts programs of the coffee-growing region, and thus propose a reflection that generates starting points in search of a teachability of Digital Aesthetics.

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