How to Cite
Roldán Vargas, O., Giraldo, Y. N., & Carmona Ríos, G. (2011). Investigative practice in the master’s in education and human development program, agreement Universidad de Manizales-CINDE, campus Sabaneta, Antioquia, 2000-2010. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 7(1), 9–41. Retrieved from


Ofelia Roldán Vargas
CINDE Medellín
Yicel Nayrobis Giraldo
CINDE Medellín
Gustavo Carmona Ríos
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios–UNIMINUTO. Seccional Bello


This article makes part of the study “Investigative Regions in Education and Pedagogyin Colombia: 2000-2010” and particularly it accounts for the investigative practice at Universidad de Manizales in agreement with Fundación Centro Internacional de Educación y Desarrollo Humano –CINDE- in Medellín. This study is consistent with the understanding type qualitative research assumptions, given the predominant place language has as meanings and significance builder and revealing in which two levels can be identified: descriptive-analytical and understanding. First of all, documental revision strategies applied to research production in the Master’s Program during the last decade are used, and with the Atlas Ti Program the information is codified and organized in a hierarchical way: regions, sub-regions, tendencies and sub-tendencies. Subsequently, on the base of the statistical data built in the first level, an interpretative exercise is carried out trying to understand the recurrence, concentrations, relevancies and opacities meaning of the investigative practice and its relation with the specificities of the Master’s Program. The results reveal the bets the Master’s Program for the investigation committed both, ethically and politically with Education and Human Development of children and the youth, and its understanding interest from the approach to the actors in their interaction contexts, for the subjective configuration and the political socializing based on theoretical perspectives of human development and political philosophy.

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