How to Cite
Zambrano Leal, A. (2012). Pedagogical thought development in Philippe Meirieu: “Narración de una experiencia de investigación”. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 8(2), 30–50. Retrieved from


Armando Zambrano Leal
Universidad Icesi, Cali


In my research about educational sciences, pedagogy and French-speaking didactics, I have bumped into the question about the pedagogue education. The complexity of such question forced me to study the written work of a contemporary pedagogue, and for strategy reasons, I immersed myself into Philippe Meirieu’s pedagogical thought. The fortune of counting with this French pedagogue’s extensive written work made easier the work since I could locate the context of his work and identify the moments of his thought. In this article I propose that a pedagogue is a superior development of the teacher’s being,whose thought build in practice, reflection, and thought generally translated as atheory-practice about education. Because of this, two objectives motivate the writing of this article. On one hand, account for a research experience and, on the other hand, to answer the question about the pedagogue education.

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