How to Cite
Gutiérrez G, M. C. ., & Arana H, D. M. . (2014). Social thinking formation in basic education teaching and learning. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 10(2), 124–144. Retrieved from


Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez G
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Diana Marcela Arana H
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira


The proposal of this article is the divulgation of partial results obtained in a research project about social thinking formation in social sciences teaching and learning. The compressive mode research is founded in a multiple and holistic case study realized with eight pre scholar to fifth grade boys and girls groups of basic education. In every case, the analysis unit is constituted by didactic units in which the social thinking
skills emerging through educative practices are observed, identified, analyzed and interpreted. Through the process it was observed that the most emerging skill is description, what means that students elaborate concepts and statements with qualities, properties and characteristics for the studied phenomena or facts. In the fourth and fifth grades also emerges, although in minor grade, explicative, interpretative and argumentative skills. The research concludes that social thinking formation in traditional education is determined by conventional educative practices, that don’t favors the critical, participative and autonomous citizens formation. This study also reveals, the urgent necessity of the critical transformation of teachers and students by means of reflexive educative practices based in the social dialogue and interaction, that helps to reconfiguration of the educative practice from “what” and “for what” teach and learn social sciences.

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