How to Cite
Aguirre-Loaiza, H. H., Ayala Zuluaga, C. F., & Bermúdez, S. R. (2014). Socializing agents in the sport initiation among schoolchildren in central america and the caribbean. Latinoamericana De Estudios Educativos, 10(2), 62–80. Retrieved from


Héctor Haney Aguirre-Loaiza
Universitaria Alexander von Humboldt
Carlos Federico Ayala Zuluaga
Universidad de Caldas
Santiago Ramos Bermúdez
Universidad de Caldas


The study of the socializing agents in the sports initiation is a topic of interest in school scope and federative sport. In order to identify the main socializing agents in sports initiation and to contrast the possible association of the variables of gender and public or private educational institution participating in the Central School and Caribbean Games, was selected one nonrandom sample of 233 children (Mage = 16.9, SD = 0.78), with 102 males (43.8%) and 131 women (56.2%), and sports experience 7.26 years (SD = 3.27). It was applied a survey on various aspects related to the processes of sport initiation and variables socializing agents that influenced the beginning of the career of school are treated through a non-experimental design with descriptive scope and cross sectional. The results identified parents as the primary socializing agents and the most influential in the sport initiation, either individually or interacting with other agents. In the background the coaching and / or teachers, friends, TV shows, among others. No association between gender and character of the school was found, but the mediating role of school highlights at sports fields. We conclude that the parental role influences the initiation and decision making school in sports.

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