DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.28.9
How to Cite
Pérez Vallejo, A. U. (2024). Semiosis in the creative action of the designed photographic sign. Kepes, 20(28), 247–289.


Andrés Uriel Pérez Vallejo
Universidad de Caldas Manizales, Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


The research-creation results related in this article are derived from the research of the doctoral thesis Model of the creative action in photographic design. This work, based on the application of cognitive and visual production elements, observes and analyzes the figure of the photographic designer from a model of creation that arises from the crossing of paradigms and correlations between photographic semiotics, science, art, design, technology and visual communication. In the sense that the model is presented as a methodology that seeks to transparently show the creative processes that occur in the mind of the photographic designer, a space is established where it is possible to articulate the photographic sign as a vehicle of creation. In this context, the figure of the photographic designer is observed and analyzed from a model of creation that arises in the application of methodological instruments based on qualitative analysis, participant observation and instruments of analysis and evaluation. Thus, within the framework of these instruments, the semiotic and creative exchanges of the designed photographic sign are analyzed and evaluated, which were directed through field work to a group of university students of Graphic Design with extensive knowledge in photography and visual communication. The results of the field work allowed concluding that the elements of the model of creation in photographic design must be based on the semiotic analysis of creative thinking and visual cognition.

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