DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.28.7
How to Cite
Hernández Olave, J. S. (2024). Prototyping as a strategy for the generation of new knowledge from research-creation training processes in industrial design. Kepes, 20(28), 179–218.


Juan Sebastián Hernández Olave
Universidad Antonio Nariño.


The objective of this article is to relate the cognitive processes of the designer in training with the development of prototypes of different levels of complexity in different phases of the design creation process. The theoretical proposal that supports the construction of such relationship approaches research-creation, staying away from the traditional view of design methods and focusing on the value acquired by the generation of prototypes for the actions of conceptualization and product development in the design process in coherence with a taxonomy of learning and knowledge. The proposed methodology is developed as case studies between 2019 and 2021 in classroom exercises in the Industrial Design program at the Universidad Antonio Nariño in spatial contexts (face-to-face and remote), accompanied by a Systematic Literature Review and a sample analysis of results of some of the 40 projects developed in the framework of the Emphasis Seminar subject. The projects presented in the analysis are the best methodologically structured and most outstanding in the processes of validation of prototypes that arose in the framework of research-creation processes in the classroom with a high level of rigor in the recording of results. The execution of this research made it possible to propose a categorization of variables that related cognitive processes with prototyping categories and to establish some considerations for the evaluation of prototypes at different moments of the training process of designers from the perspective of research-creation. Thus, then, as a conclusion of the research, important relationships were identified between the cognitive processes of designers in training and the levels of prototype development, being this a relevant category of study for design research.

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