DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.8
How to Cite
Beltrán Cardona, D. F., Bahamón Cardona, C. A. ., & Aranzazu López, C. U. . (2019). Experience and dialogue in museographic narratives. Kepes, 16(20), 169–193.


Diego Felipe Beltrán Cardona

Maestría en curso en Diseño Gráfico Digital Asistente de Investigación de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Bogotá, Colombia.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Carlos Augusto Bahamón Cardona

Maestría en Educación, Master Diseño Gráfico y Creatividad Estratégica Docente de la Universidad Militar
Nueva Granada Bogotá, Colombia.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Carlos Uriel Aranzazu López

Magíster en Diseño Docente de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


This article of scientific research is a product of the investigation titled “La narrativa museográfica basada en el guion curatorial” (INVING-2368), financed by the Vice Presidency of Investigations of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG), in which the groups of investigation La Tramoya and GREST work. The interest that leads the investigation to inquire, explore and propose new ways of dialogue that promote the interest of the public in participate and interact with the exhibitions of the Museo Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones (MNT) is structured by 4 significant objectives:

• To define the mediatic proposal of the museographic narratives to the cross dialogue.

• To understand the narrative process that structures the curatorial script for its redaction.

• To perform an implementation of the museographic narratives through a museistic exposition.

• To identify in what consist an integral experience for the MNT public.

The investigation was developed with a qualitative research based on a triangulated design between a phenomenological study and the study of cases, using a semi structured interview as the recollection tool applied to 32 subject samples belonging to the UMNG’s community. The results’ analysis shows a high grade of conceptualization in the interaction with the analogue media, complemented by the interaction with the interactive museographic implementation that creates the significant experiences. In conclusion, the museographic narratives defined in the curatorial design are mediated with a digital character, analogue and digital interaction proposals, and the contribution of exposition guides and auxiliaries, with the purpose of provoke experiences to understand its composition and create multiple dialogues focused on the necessities and interests of the MNT public.

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