DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2023.20.27.10
How to Cite
Albarrán González, D. (2023). Within Mayan Textiles: Lekil kuxlejal and leading by obeying as proposals to decolonize handcrafted textile design research. Kepes, 20(27), 261–280.


Diana Albarrán González
The University of Auckland
Perfil Google Scholar


This article presents a proposal to decolonize the research of handcrafted textile design for the recognition of the design of Tsotsil and Tseltal weavers in search for a fair and dignified life. Within the Mayan textiles of the of Chiapas highlands, southeast Mexico, there is a valuable source of ancestral knowledge that reflects the worldview of past and present Mayan peoples. For the author and her research partners, textile and their practices, meanings, and metaphors denote ‘other’ ways to research handcrafted textile design through decolonial thought and Indigenous onto-epistemologies such as “corazonar” (heartled) and “Buen vivir” (Good living) of the Tsotsil and Tseltal Peoples, lekil kuxlejal. Likewise, the seven Zapatista principles of Leading by Obeying were used as research guidelines to mediate ethical and respectful collaborations. This aimed at challenging the dominant and hegemonic design in search for heart-led and Good living approaches that integrate the vision of a dignified and fair life in handcrafted textile design. Through this, a series of guidelines are proposed that respect the autonomy of the artisanal community thus contributing to the transitions towards the pluriverse.

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