DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.2
How to Cite
Martínez García , Ángeles, & Gómez Aguilar, A. . (2019). The dark side of maternity : updating of myths in the film the extraordinary tale of the times table (2013). Kepes, 16(20), 15–40.


Ángeles Martínez García

Doctorado en Comunicación, PhD. Profesora Universidad de Sevilla, España.

Universidad de Sevilla
Antonio Gómez Aguilar

Doctorado en Comunicación, PhD. Profesor Universidad de Sevilla, España.

Universidad de Sevilla


The cinema often feeds from ancestral stories to really hit home. These stories are made up of essential configurating elements of the collective imaginary of cultures throughout history and change at the same time as social changes. The main objective of this study is to analyze how the film The Extraordinary Tale of the Times Table (2013) by José Francisco Ortuño and Laura Alvea reconstructs a specific constant: the contempt of the paternal / maternal figure towards the son, which has been expressed many times through the myth of Tantalus, Saturn devouring his children, Hera and Medea, among others. Myths in the audiovisual will be studied channeled through two aspects: on the one hand, the use of specific compositional elements (colour, lines, textures, distribution of elements inside the shot) and on the other hand, the deeper meaning is analyzed to unravel the architecture of the myth in the audiovisual through a case study. Basic references of this article are the methodological approaches by Erwin Panofsky and Roland Barthes that will help to find out in what way the existential concerns of the human being find in the art, in this case the cinema, an appropriate channel to update and adapt to contemporaneity.

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