DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.26.21
How to Cite
Roldán García, A. F., & Escandón Suárez, P. A. . (2022). Cartography of means of architectural representation in relation to learning outcomes. Case study: Architecture Program, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales campus. Kepes, 19(26), 673–707.


Andrés Felipe Roldán García
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
Paula Andrea Escandón Suárez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar


The teaching-learning process of representation techniques for architects goes through different stages in which it is required to evaluate the learning results taking into account cognitive processes and the particularities of traditional and contemporary tools that are mixed to allow to devise, develop and communicate the architectural project. This study shows a characterization of the means of representation for architecture taking into account various
variables in the design process, which are classified according to the case study raised in the subjects of the area of representation with the students of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales campus. The objective focuses on recognizing the relationship between the means of representation and the learning outcomes for this academic program. The method used is of a qualitative nature through recognition of workflows and
inventory of means in relation to the learning results taken from the project presented for the reform of the program and the case study in subjects of the representation area. The result of the study presents a cartography of means of representation in architecture which allows browsing and identifying different means and their characteristics associated with learning outcomes according to the type of cognition, where three types of relationships between concrete, post-concrete and formal thinking are specified as well as representation media, analog, digital and mixed. 

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