DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.26.19
How to Cite
Cardona Cano, C., Heredia Ruiz, V., & Alzate Giraldo, A. . (2022). Narrative functions of the voice in the Netflix series Narcos. Kepes, 19(26), 601–631.


César Cardona Cano
Universidad de Medellín
Perfil Google Scholar
Verónica Heredia Ruiz
Universidad de Medellín
Perfil Google Scholar
Alejandro Alzate Giraldo
Universidad Luis Amigó
Perfil Google Scholar


This article analyzes the narration of the Narcos series (2015), based on the voice and accent of the characters and their relationship with the concept of transnational and global television. Using a mixed methodology and a sequential explanatory design, it evaluates the voices of the premiere chapter of the first season, based on variables such as narrative function, language and accent in order to establish a relationship with the characters, country of origin of the actors, and the commitment of Netflix to build a transnational and global series.

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