DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2022.19.26.5
How to Cite
Mejía Amézquita, V., & Zapata Arango, L. F. . (2022). Life and death of the corn grinding machine: research on the artifacts practiced. Kepes, 19(26), 129–155.


Valentina Mejía Amézquita
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
Luisa Fernanda Zapata Arango
Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor del Cauca
Perfil Google Scholar


Artifacts exist to the extent that they are incorporated into everyday life, into the daily dynamics that tame us and in the practices that recognize us as human members of a community or culture. Now, what happens to artifacts if human practices change as well as everyday life, whether because of this change or forgetfulness, they are disregarded? This also requires asking about the meanings that are built after the interaction between subjects and artifacts, about the features that characterize the latter based on the identities of a territory and about the logics where it is possible to see what is current or obsolete in the ways of doing towards the road to territorialize the vital. This article is a result of a research that deals with the forms of incorporation, practice and oblivion of the artifacts of daily life, in particular the corn grinding machine in the territorial context of Riosucio, Colombia through a theoretical-hermeneutic approach that uses the hybridization between the purposes of emerging design and ethnographic design in order to question the design dimension of the tradition and obsolescence of a territorial artifact in a territorial key. 

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