How to Cite
Ovalle Amarillo, M. Ángel. (2014). COMPASÁUREO: research and design project. Kepes, 11(10), 317–334. Retrieved from


Miguel Ángel Ovalle Amarillo
Universidad de Caldas



In object configuration, graphics or art pieces, it is impossible to avoid describing, understanding and using different proportions, or size and shape relationships between the parts of a composition or product that is being designed. This way, the performer (designer, artist, craftsman, engineer, students also) is requested to count with the cognitive and operational tools to be able to develop and apply flexibly such specialized knowledge. The subject of this paper is to explain how an educational tool developed to assist the learning and application of proportions in design work, art, architecture and engineering was designed and how it works,. The result is a product called COMPASÁUREO that with its technical and educational –patented- features helps in the processes involved in the knowledge and application of proportions, in specific design tasks performed by students, teachers and professionals.

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