How to Cite
Zuleta, F. A. (2014). Scrub measurement: Methodology, design and manufacturing of equipment for textile comfort calculation in clinical use. Kepes, 11(10), 303–316. Retrieved from


Fausto A. Zuleta
Universidad de Caldas



This paper is part of the research project “Development and manufacture of scrub” in phase 2. It presents the preliminary development of a thermoregulatory machine that determines the comfort of garments (thermal resistance and evaporative resistance) under the technical standards used in the production of these products in the market. The thermoregulatory machine is built according to the ISO 11092:1993 guidelines. It executes a control algorithm in the relative humidity variable, temperature and flow rate to sustain and simulate the conditions and effects of the skin. The results are displayed on a touch screen interface to determine the variations in the process and ensure the convergence of the values present.

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