How to Cite
Cadavid Ochoa, J. J. (2014). The decline of the scientific/sensitive methodological dichotomy. Meetings and transits between reason and sensibility. Kepes, 11(10), 249–277. Retrieved from


Juan José Cadavid Ochoa
Universidad de Caldas



This article is the result of the ongoing research project: “Transmedial curriculum, an alternative for education in arts”, and accounts for some theoretical revisions and reflection made in an attempt to construct a referential and conceptual framework on which to support a specific pedagogical and didactic construction for artistic education. Morin’s complex and fragmented thinking detonates a methodological proposal that attempts to reconcile the look of natural sciences with that of and human sciences in an attempt to allow the development of the arts to evidence and account for their construction of knowledge processes and transformation of material and intangible culture.

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