How to Cite
Rojas R., C. I., & García S., H. E. . (2013). Inclusive Design: The active participation of people in design solutions. Kepes, 10(9), 297–314. Retrieved from


Claudia Isabel Rojas R.
Universidad de Caldas
Henry Enrique García S.


Abstract:Three basic concepts guided the preparation of this document: inclusion, articipation and transformation. The paper reflects and exposes some research projects in which the active participation of people allowed the precise understanding, from their perspective, of the problems posed by the systems or procedures at the service of society. The people participation also facilitated the evaluation of both the methods and the work strategies applied in each of the communities related to the projects, which were carried out from the main guidelines of ethnographic research and action research. The peculiarities of this inclusive approach lies in the accompaniment and follow up of participants during the research and design process, which is validated especially in cases where beneficiaries belong to groups with specific social problems ranging from economic constraints to cognitive or physical limitations. For this reason, the referred projects always involved small groups as subjects of analysis selected according to the characteristics of each study. Finally as a conclusion, 

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