Abstract: The Design and Creation Doctoral Thesis “Visualization of Architecture through sound: Searching for the inhabit radio broadcasting” presents a methodological design based on the visualization of architecture intangibles. The visualization is understood as the formation of mental images from resonant stimuli acting on memory, remembrance and association of the past and the present. The field work is carried out through the radio program “La Casa” (The House). The methodology reveals a new instrument for the research data collection; it contributes to the definition and the construction of radio ethnography and provides the polyphonic recording of the inhabitants: the human scale of the inhabit radio broadcasting image. The validity of the method proposed is explored from design and creation viewpoints that favor self-conclusive processes about inhabiting and the possible implications of this research: application of radio ethnography to other objects of study and the University Radio as potential scenery for radio-art, socialization and recording of academic research data.
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