How to Cite
Pérez C., S. M. (2013). Techno cultural convergence scene, implications in design -A meteverse case-. Kepes, 10(9), 7–18. Retrieved from


Silvia Milena Pérez C.
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: This article pretends to synthesize the findings, results and conclusions generated around a descriptive, theoretical and methodological reflection about design challenges seen from the digital convergence dimension and their close relationship with the cultural environment. The research project pretends to synthesize these implications, to highlight semiological grounds and to associate each of the presented elements with the experiences created by the avatar in an on-line third dimension virtual world. The methodology used is deductive inference based on literature about cyber-culture, communication, media and new digital technologies and, at the same time, connected in a convergent manner with the problem posed: a first phase for data collection and analysis, a second phase for participant digital observation in which an avatar researcher is involved and, finally, for the document characterization, a case study is carried out from the observation protocols and guides, taking into consideration physical and digital encounters with a connected online user, selected because of his experience and recognition in the simulation or metaverse scenario.

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