How to Cite
Restrepo Acevedo., I. C. (2010). Experiential Interfaces: immersion and training spaces. Kepes, 7(6), 115–136. Retrieved from


Isabel Cristina Restrepo Acevedo.
Universidad de Antioquia



The current technological advances allow the creation of spaces of immersion that invite the spectator to interact with a hybrid reality of virtual and real elements. Specifically, the augmented reality technologies allow the design of simulation spaces that have diverse socio-cultural applications. Those kind of spaces create a mental disposition that facilitates the interaction between the person and the interface, in a way, that the spectator becomes interactor of a language-space that makes possible a sensitive and intelligible experience. However, to facilitate that the role of the semantic and poetic component of a piece of augmented reality stand out over the technological components and devices, it is required the cooperative work of specialist coming from different disciplines. They have to design a Human-Computer Interface (HCI) that considers the technological possibilities of the moment, and, at the same time, integrates those technologies in the reflection of socio-cultural questions. The present article depicts the conceptual and formal developments that allow the understanding of the technological, aesthetic, cognitive and socio-cultural use of augmented reality in the research named “Interactividad y Realidad Aumentada”; this research has been done by the groups Hipertrópico y Gepar of the Universidad de Antioquia, and was approved for the Comité para el Desarrollo de la Investigación de la Universidad de Antioquia (CODI) in 2008. The article analyses the artistic and technological components that constitute the aesthetic piece of augmented reality that reflects on the associated problems to the increase of motorcyclists’ traffic in the city of Medellín.

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