We have witnessed some sort of acceleration of technical media in the last decade. No doubt technology has had a lot to do with all this, being the cause of some kind of “redimensioning” of the way in which human beings “understand” sound, image, space, objects and their own relationship with other members of society. Apparently this accelerated technological advance has left understanding up in the air or has offered the opportunity to define innumerable concepts that we have always understood as connected to design or as included in it. Some ideas that perhaps had not been considered for a long time, have been brought over the table such as the listener-viewer-user relationship or the creator-designer relationship, those related with the use of digital implements, the division of the limits between design and creation, the conversation formats of image and sound, the ways to understand space, the so-called interaction, the design of real and virtual spaces. In short, the objectives and media of interactive spaces (mediatized spaces). Through the investigation reported in this article, it was pretended to clarify some of these questionings and understand the inflexion points produced when interlacing design with the technological aspect, with new visual, acoustic, sound, special, and object elements mixed in the same spatial-temporal framework; all in all, interaction design.
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