How to Cite
Rosenbaum, A. . (2008). Performance, language crossing and provocation. Performance cycle analysis at Expotrastiendas 2007. Kepes, 5(4), 217–235. Retrieved from


Alfredo . Rosenbaum
Universidad de Buenos Aires



Expotrastiendas is one of the most important art fairs in Buenos Aires. It is organized annually by the Argentine Association of Art Galleries, since 2001. During the 2007 edition of Expotrastiendas, its director, Pelusa Borthwick, invited the Graduate Program on Combined Artistic Language to organize and produce a performance cycle during the fair. By means of a comprehensive curatorship, this occasion allowed the proposal of a series of projects, but also the opportunity to delve into the theoretical and instrumental drifts that make performative speeches a fertile ground for the connection of languages in the plastic arts field.

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