How to Cite
Marotta, G. . (2008). Topology applied to visual language. Kepes, 5(4), 21–41. Retrieved from


Graciela . Marotta
Artes Visuales-IUNA



Topology, inherent to Science and Mathematics, can be taken to the art world. In modern and contemporary plastic alternatives, it is feasible to trace the influence of topography on the designation of space, as in the articulation of what is now called visual language. The basis of this study is the theoretical proposal of Jacques Lacan, for whom topology is a structuring part of the meaning that is present in the discourse by means of language. 

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Dor. Joël. (1985). Introducción a la lectura de Lacan. París: Gedisa.

Granon-Lafont, Jeanne. (1987). La topología básica de Jacques Lacan. Bs. As.: Nueva Visión.

Introducción a la topología. Buenos Aires: Eudeba. s.f.

Lacan, Jacques. (1964). Seminario 11 – Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales. Bs. As.: Paidós.

________. (1973). Seminario 20 – Aún. Bs. As.: Paidós.

Vapperau, Jean Michel. (1997). ¿Es uno… o, es dos? Bs. As.: Ed. Kliné.

Wajcman, Gérard y AAVV. (2000). Lacan el escrito, la imagen. Flammarion: Ed. Cifrado.


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