DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2021.18.23.7
How to Cite
Machado Penso, M. V. . (2021). No Program. Design learning in architecture through enunciation. Kepes, 18(23), 179–218.


María Verónica Machado Penso
Universidad de la Costa
Perfil Google Scholar


The main objective of this research is to decentralize the teaching of the architectural project following an academic program to propose it from the enunciation. As a method, it creates a discursive device elaborated on the understanding that the designer is a contemporary being who lives in a reality that is constructed from discourses. It is then that this device is structured in eight states that work on the architectural process from a discursive and experiential perspective. As a result, four of those states are developed and explained in this article, as a demonstration of the experiences of this process. These statements deal with different themes of architecture: "The origin is now the principle of impermanence", where the origin is the founding place of the city of Maracaibo, the coast. The principle indicates the criterion of another form of architectural insertion. "Compatible natures"
as the way of raising awareness towards harmonious relationships between architecture and the ecosystem in which it is inserted. "On the leftovers", proposes to rethink residual landscapes from architecture. "Alice's house in wonderland" is thought of as the means for the life of a dysfunctional family, from which a HOUSE is projected not of the author but of the inhabitant. It is concluded then, that this way of teaching the architectural project strengthens the purposeful and heuristic capacities of the learner, placing him in his contemporaneity and transforming him to reconcile the place with human life. It explores the reflective practice as a source of knowledge in the Latin American context and it pulls out learning from the programmatical system to turn it into a heuristic experience that arises from the discursive as the nature of reality.

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