How to Cite
Figari, M. R. (2007). The new gods of the televising mount Olympus. Kepes, 4(3), 263–281. Retrieved from


Maria Rosa Figari
la cátedra de Historia de la Cultura Departamento de Artes Visuales (IUNA)


Based on the text of Mircea Elíade The myths of the contemporary world, this articles strives to show the role of TV as a fundamental part of the mythical behavior of the present-day society. In order to reach said goal, a reference to the educative, cultural and informative role of TV is made, and how it is filled with models imitated by society, justifying this way its role as a “myth” in contemporary societies. In order to show that this is true, the article is fundamentally based on the following points of Mircea Elíade’s text: sacred time and profane time, exemplary models of human behavior, the repetition of stories and archetypes and their worship. The strategy of the article includes: firstly, a parallel between TV and Greek mythology will be carried out. The intention is not to compare them, but only to show the similarity of mythical elements that are repeated in both, thus, justifying the role of “myth” TV occupies. Secondly, the mythical role of TV in general will be explained, as a massive and popular mass media. Then, some present archetypes in Greek mythology that are repeated in TV will be emphasized, and that in spite of the evident differences, they do share

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