How to Cite
Mariátegui, J. C. (2007). Electro-Poet-Rivelazionaria: the rescue of computational poetries of Gianni Toti. Kepes, 4(3), 141–149. Retrieved from


José Carlos Mariátegui


Each letter, each word, each writing of Gianni Toti not only has a value at a text level, but also at a visual level. His writing was also a drawing. The words escaped from their symbolic field, to insinuate the visual metaphor. Perhaps this is the reason why Gianni Toti is considered to be the father of video poetry. A vision of the work “Pappagallo 2” of Francesco Mariotti, Peruvian-Swiss artist, and the regenerated Totian poetries demonstrate that, marginal to a semantic search, poetry is still the space where descontextualizations can produce an order that only a human being can understand and feel.

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