How to Cite
Pérez Tort, S. (2007). Electronic aesthetics and society. Kepes, 4(3), 193–214. Retrieved from


Susana Pérez Tort
Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano y Prilidiano Pueyrredón


Technology and art are not a new binomial; they have coexisted since a human being saw the reflection of his face on the surface of a lake and conceived the possibility of reproducing it. With his muddy hands or a primitive brush soaked in blood, the creation of an image required some technology. Since then the image is created by a means, corresponding to the stage in which the technology of its time is found. The carving used to create the idol that was born from the blow of a stone with an obsidian piece was technology (primitive). Also the hand painting on wood, the oil painting on the linen cloth, and the mosaic is technology. Technology does not come to the arts with lithography or photography, but with a Venus from the Magdalenian period or the bulls of Lascaux. In “The value of choosing” Fernando Sabater warns on the risks of associating technology to modernism and says that “... the willful “good savages” who resign to the advances of the last hour and rely on the firewood furnace and on agriculture without pesticides do not do without the technique, but they do try to do as best as they with its previous phases... that in their day were probably looked upon with as much distrust as the  latest technology is seen today” (1). First photography, and the electronic means later, did not replace phases of previous technologies, such as the chisel or the brush, but they incorporated in the arts, at the same time that a historical frame makes it possible. Today, digital technology is added to the group of “traditional” technologies, and makes possible a whole

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DORFLES Gillo. El intervalo perdido. Ed. Lumen, Barcelona, 1984.

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FRANCASTEL Pierre. La figura y el lugar, el orden visual del Quattrocento. Monte Ávila Editores, Venezuela, 1969.

GUBERN Román. El simio informatizado. Editorial EUDEBA, 1989.

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