The conclusion of theresearch entitled, “Impact of Design in the Regional Context, Objects, messages and settings, before 1950”, proposed the initiation of a creative work to observe and appreciate the symbolic context found in the settings of the populations under study, and in which one could infer the presence of some of the fundamental ideologies of design. However, these conceptual approaches were not found in the contexts analyzed and, more precisely, a feature was developed directly for the manufacture of objects, messages and settings. The constructions serve as the satisfaction of real needs without considering the formal dimension, beside the obvious configurations that are linked to the function. The statements that are part of the research, “Impact of Design in Regional Context, Objects, messages and settings, before 1950” set aside the considerations on the relationships that a subject establishes with objects, messages and settings, regarding their particular conception of the emotion that they entail, in other words, the explicative contextual relations that are established. In order to investigate and evaluate this type of reactions, an interactive work, an installation was proposed, in which the presentation of these abstract elements, that will take shape in the minds of viewers and that could be expressed and manifested for evaluation. The aim of this study is to specify the manner in which this work can access the memories, through the use of objects, in addition to clarifying the notion of interaction as a foundational element for the activation of symbolic contents in the viewer
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