How to Cite
Rinaldo, K. . (2006). Artificial Life, intelligence and symbiosis. Kepes, 3(2), 229–244. Retrieved from


Ken . Rinaldo
Universidad de Caldas



While biological systems have always served as worthy starting points from which to study, emulate and model artificial life, biological intelligences do not exist in individuals alone. There is an intrinsic structural coupling between all levels of living matter, which is emergent, with matter, energy and information at system levels above and below it. Consequently, approaches to machine intelligence and artificial life should also be expanded to incorporate and consider complex environmental and behavioral entities. Natural living systems are competitive, communicative and symbiotically intertwined and yet we have few examples of functioning machine installations, which are designed to exhibit bio mechanic symbiosis. Ken Rinaldo will look at his artworks and scientific investigations, which expand notions of artificial intelligence, biological art and artificial life, to exhibit levels of emergence. He proposes that an awareness of ecology and symbiosis in biological systems can point to software and hardware approaches, which look to the environment in which our intelligent machines may arise, emerge and intertwine.

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