How to Cite
Vilches, L. . (2006). Smart archives for the patrimony of visual arts . Kepes, 3(2), 125–144. Retrieved from


Lorenzo . Vilches
Universidad de Caldas



From the 1980’s on the interest of many countries in the recovery of image on the traditional celluloid supports for cinema and analogical tape for the television image has increased. It is clear that the audio-visual production constitutes a cultural patrimony of the humanity that must be conserved at all costs. And, at the same time, it must also constitute a fond of universal access, much like traditional museums. But the artistic image, specially the digital production of recent years, has provoked less preoccupation among cultural institutions worldwide. The visual artists have now a greater opportunity to spread their works through the Internet network. However, most of these works have a short exhibition time, although they can reach an almost universal diffusion at some point, as it happened to Google when celebrating its anniversary placed a link at the entrance of the finder that ended up collapsing the author’s Web in a few hours. How can a user of the image recover the conserved works in the dispersed databases around the world in the digital networks? But mainly, with what criterion will the indexing systems of images provided by visual artists be constructed? The purpose of this article is to illustrate the main theoretical and cultural problems which the online image databases will face from the point of view of an effective semantic recovery that avoids the loss of information and the abuse of documentation by key words much like the present situation. These problems that concern the artistic image of the digital era are directly related to the cultural identity and the right of the people to their own image, culture and ideology of the documentalists of visual archives and the necessity to rely on the artists and researchers of image in a world-wide program of image and design documentation.

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