How to Cite
Londoño López, F. C. (2006). Design in education with interactive media. Kepes, 3(2), 81–113. Retrieved from


Felipe César Londoño López


Abstract The evolution of the information technologies is having profound consequences in the world of education and formation. In the work place, the technological change causes constant demand of new competences and this creates the permanent necessity of update. For some years, governments and research institutions have been promoting learning aided with telematic applications for flexible and distance learning, in which technologies and specific systems for the conception, distribution and provision of didactic and formative material are developed. The education and computer science applications based formation sector is reaching, just now, some favorable results. This article analyzes education from the perspective of the new information and communication technologies, as well as studying the fundamental sources of design as a teaching—learning support. Based on researches carried out in the Department of Visual Design of the Universidad de Caldas, the guidelines for the evaluation of the educative platforms are described. The article ends in the explanation of the necessity to take an intermediate position that perceives digital technology as a tool that allows observing information in a more dynamic way, more instructive; more focused on the necessities of the students, without replacing the necessary human relation, inherent to the teaching—learning process.

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