How to Cite
Niño Mojica, M. P. (2005). Point of intersection between Design and Electronic Arts: functionality, identity and politics. Kepes, 2(1), 93–104. Retrieved from


Martha Patricia Niño Mojica
Universidad Javeriana yUniversidad de los Andes



Every time it is more frequent to find artists working in design studies or designers exposing in important museums. This happens as much at the local level as internationally, a designer does not need to be as famous as Joshua Davis to have an exhibition in a gallery. When one tries to differentiate a discipline from another, generally you hear that Design is the commercial application of certain methods and concepts directed tow ards the production of diverse types of products, problem solution and the positioning of a corporative mark. This answers to the necessities of a client and has close bonds with publicity, fashion and consumption. One says that Art, how ever, although it can involve certain design criteria, such as balance, process, contrast, proportion, and even, usability, is freer, more independent. Its character is more independent from industry and a client’s desires. This quality would grant it a certain privileged position for the social critic and for the disinterested conceptual exercise. But there are other points of vital importance in the task and the production of these disciplines in the cultural field: functionality, identity and politics.

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