How to Cite
Ospina Toro, W. . (2005). Contextual nature design. Kepes, 2(1), 15–30. Retrieved from


William Ospina Toro
Universidad de Caldas



The design had manifested substantial changes in ist conception , acording to the intrinsic relation that stablishes with the context in which it finds, this fact makes evident a reliable premise - the context determines the design and, at the same time, the design reflects it self in the context-. The latter has a series of elements which conficurate bit and therefore they specify the design, howerer, it is not posible to concive the design without thinking of the term need, which is deeply related to the environment in which a whole is developed. This way the design - context-need system appears, within this one the porpose and the funtional carácter acquire meanings that sep to delineate the perspective thast design exercise must take in such a context.

DUSSEL, Enrique. Filosofía de la Producción. Ed. Nueva América. Bogotá, Colombia 1984.

GONZÁLES RUIZ, Guillermo. Estudio de Diseño. Emecé Editores. Bueno Aires, Argentina. 1994.

L L OV E T, Jordi. Ideología y Metodología del Diseño. Ed. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, España.1981.


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