DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2015.12.12.15
How to Cite
Malik Floberovich, M. ., Nurdaulet Erkinuly, I. ., & Said Edilevich, G. . (2015). The technology of “flexible chee” in the art of modern Kazakh tapestry. Kepes, 12(12), 305–329.


Mukanov Malik Floberovich
National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov
Issabek Nurdaulet Erkinuly
National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov.
Galimzhanov Said Edilevich
Kazakh Main ArchitecturalConstruction Academy.


The article deals with consideration of the artistic-figurative and technical aspects of application of the technologies of “flexible chee” in the art of modern Kazakh tapestry. This technology was developed and called by the artist Mukanov Malik Floberovich, who attracts it in his author’s tapestries. He is also one of the co-authors of this article. Based upon example of the fine arts study of his tapestries the conclusion is made that the modern masters of the artistic textile must constantly search for the new figurative forms and means of the creative self-expression. At that the technological aspects of such searches must not become the end in itself of the creative expression, submitting to the main task on construction of the remembering national-original artistic image.

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