DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2015.12.12.12
How to Cite
Bustamante Morale, M. . (2015). The work of Nelly Alarcon, a textile language with differentiating value. Kepes, 12(12), 249–265.


Marinella Bustamante Morale
Universidad de Valparaíso


This article accounts for the research “Analysis of the Chilean wardrobe from 1968 to 1978. Identification of visual, morphological and technical features that characterized the phenomenon of Latin American fashion”, which aims to elucidate the features of differentiation regarding foreign trends. Five exponents made up the Chilean Latin American Fashion during the study period when each one of them proposed a territorial story to their designs. Nelly Alarcon’s textile work will be presented as a case study.

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